8 new available features in Java 11

4 minute read

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In this blog post we are going to see the most important features that are available in Java 11 for programmers using Java programming language.

There are a lot of Java developers that are still working with Java 8. From 2000 developers that participated in the 2020 JVM ecosystem report, 64% were still using Java 8.

According to this support roadmap Java SE 8 has gone throught the end of public updates for legacy releases and Oracle will provide only premium support until March 2022.

1 - Type inference

This is the main change in Java 10, from now on we can use var to create objects without having to define the type. Although as we know, we don’t have to go crazy putting var on all objects and losing understanding of the code either.

In Java 10 we can see code like:

var list = List.of(4,6,7);
var example = "example";
var team = new Team();

Also, with Java 11, the use of var in lambdas has been added allowing annotations in these parameters, although you cannot mix the use of var with types, nor of var and an empty type.

Function<String, String> toLowerCase = (var input) -> input.toLowerCase();
String name = "ALEX";
// alex
Map<Integer, Integer> map = Map.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
map.forEach((x, y) -> System.out.println(x + y));  
// 3 7 11
map.forEach((Integer x, Integer y) -> System.out.println(x + y)); 
// 3 7 11 
map.forEach((var x, var y) -> System.out.println(x + y)); 
// 3 7 11 
map.forEach((x, var y) -> System.out.println(x + y)); // Doesn't compile
map.forEach((int x, var y) -> System.out.println(x + y)); // Doesn't compile

2 - New methods in collections

With the Java 9 JDK, we will have more facilities to create already initialized collections. We can use the static of() method of List, Set, Stream or Map. Remember that these collections are immutable and if we try to do an add we will have an UnsupportedOperationException. An example of each can be:

List<Integer> list = List.of(1, 2, 3);
Set<String> set = Set.of("a", "b", "c");
Stream<String> stream = Stream.of("a", "b", "c");
Map<String, String> map = Map.of("key 1", "value 1", "key 2",  "value 2");

On the other hand, with Java 10, the copyOf() methods have been introduced to create immutable copies of List, Set and Map. As with the of() method, we will get an UnsupportedOperationException if we try to add elements. Adding the code to the previous example we see how to make copies.

List<Integer> listCopyOf = List.copyOf(list);
Set<String> setCopyOf = Set.copyOf(set);
Map<String, String> mapCopyOf = Map.copyOf(map)

3 - New methods in Streams

With Java 9, we can use the takeWhile(), dropWhile(), iterate() and ofNullable() methods on streams. The first two are used to remove or pick the first elements while a condition is met, the iterate() method generates an iteration of values ​​and ofNullable() method generates a Stream with an element if the element is not null or empty.

var list = List.of(4,6,7,8,9);
Stream<Integer> stream = list.stream().takeWhile(value -> value < 10);
stream = list.stream().dropWhile(value -> value < 4);

4 - Terminal jshell command

In Java 9 we have a new command available in our terminal, the jshell command. With this command we can directly test any java sentence through the console without the need for an IDE.

jshell> var map = Map.of("key",4,"key2",5)
map ==> {key2=5, key=4}

jshell> map.get("key")
$3 ==> 4

jshell> map.put("anotherKey", 9)
|  Exception java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
|        at ImmutableCollections.uoe (ImmutableCollections.java:73)
|        at ImmutableCollections$AbstractImmutableMap.put (ImmutableCollections.java:866)
|        at (#4:1)

Notice the UnsupportedOperationException when we try to put a new entry in the Map created previously. Inmutability is great you should embrace it :-)

5 - Terminal Java command

In addition to the already included jshell, with Java 11, we can execute java files from the console. If we create the HelloWorld.java file.

public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello world");

With Java until now before executing a class with a main method we needed to compile the class with the javac command:

javac HelloWorld.java

and then:

java HelloWorld

Now with the terminal we can skip the compiling step and execute directly with the java command:

java HelloWorld.java

We will see at the exit through the terminal:

Hello world

6 - New methods in String class

  • New repeat, strip, stripLeading, stripTrailing, isBlank and lines methods in the String class. (Java 11)
jshell> "Alex".repeat(3).equals("AlexAlexAlex")
$5 ==> true

jshell> " Alex ".strip().equals("Alex")
$6 ==> true

jshell> " Alex".stripLeading().equals("Alex")
$7 ==> true

jshell> "Alex ".stripTrailing().equals("Alex")
$8 ==> true

jshell> "".isBlank()
$9 ==> true

7 - New garbage collector

On the other hand, with Java 11, a garbage collector that does not reclaim memory, the Epsilon garbage collector and experimentally the ZGC garbage collector is added.

8 - Reactive-streams

New classes Flow.Processor, Flow.Subscriber, Flow.Publisher and Flow that allow reactive publish-subscribe scheduling. You can read more in the Flow Javadoc page (Java 9)


In this post we have seen some of the available features for Java developers in Java 11. Are you still using Java 8? why not migrating? If you want to learn more about the new features available in Java 9 like Jigsaw or the new HttpClient read a previous post that I wrote some time ago.

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